
The product of n consecutive integer is divisible by n!

meguro 2013. 7. 21. 03:04

The product of n consecutive integer is divisible by n!

Proof 1

let n consecutive numbers are m+1, ... , m+n

then, the product is (m+1) * (m+2) * ... * (m+n) = (m+n)!/m! = (m+n) C m

we know binomial coefficient is integer. hence the proof is done.

Proof 2

You could argue by induction on n. The result is obvious if n=1.

For the inductive step, assume that (n1)! divides any product of n1 consecutive integers. Now consider products of n consecutive integers.

Say your product is P(k)=(k+1)(k+2)(k+n). First, you may assume k0: If one of the factors k+j is 0, then P(k)=0 and obviously n! divides it. If k+n=t1<0, this is the same as


and t0.

Now argue by induction on k. The result clearly holds if k=0, since P(0)=n!.

Suppose n!|P(k). Then P(k+1)=(k+2)(k+3)(k+n+1). Split the last factor as (k+1)+n. We have


The first summand is P(k), which is divisible by n! by the inductive assumption on k. The second summand is n times a product of n1 consecutive integers, thus n times a multiple of (n1)!, by the inductive assumption on n. Clearly, n times a multiple of (n1)! is a multiple of n!, and the sum of two multiples of n! is a multiple of n!, so n!|P(k+1).

We are done by induction.

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